About me



Design for Advocacy

Hello, my name is Micha, and I am a graphic designer. I love graphic design,
but I didn't always feel that way.
Originally, I wanted nothing more than
to become a film director.

I fell into studying media for several
years until I was introduced to graphic
design. I didn't plan on becoming a
graphic designer - I liked art, photography, and moving image production. No plan, no goals, just doing what I liked.

So, what changed? A lot it seemed. I started to dream of a career not as a film director, but as a graphic designer. Why
this sudden change in direction? I don't know to be honest. Career paths are
unpredictable sometimes. When
I was a boy, all I wanted to be when
I grew up was a Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtle, but interests diverge
as you get older.

However, my interest in graphic design
is unwavering. I have a range of
competencies such as logic, creativity,
imagination and lateral thinking. Skills I've
developed through both my professional
and personal life. I love what I do.


Generated Ideas

Made entirely or partially using an autonomous system, generative
design has introduced me to a new way of creating forms, shapes,
colours and patterns using only computer algorithms to generate
an output that is perceived as random, but my code has been explicitly written to produce something predictable.

The process is certainly a lot more iterative than what I'm used
to, but has become one of my design niches that I find creatively

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Experimental Format

The orchestration of typography, colour,
imagery, and technologies is especially exciting. Creating alternatives to the standard is
something I revel in doing.

Design for Advocacy

Design for good is about good design. There is
a need for clarity in my designs, because realities
are unmet or need clarification.


Typography is much more to me than simply
making words legible. Like with every other
subset of graphic design, it’s about creating
content with purpose.

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